It’s not always easy running a business and being a stay at home mom. I have to admit since taking on the role of mum-hood, emails sometimes get backed up, I’m more tired than I ever thought possible, scheduling sessions and meetings has become so much more of a challenge and even finding time to edit can be difficult. But at the same time having Nora has changed my perspective about photography and has refocused my attention towards the art in a good way.

I have a greater understanding of what parents need from their sessions in both family sessions and weddings. I now look at those mothers and fathers at weddings differently. I pay closer attention to close family members and can better understand those tears ((of joy)) during certain points of the wedding day.

Parenting is the craziest rollercoaster ride. You have the highest of the highs and some low points too and somehow its all speeding past you at speeds you can barely comprehend. The ride is sometimes scary but it’s more fun than I ever would have imagined and so worth it. <3
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